Transfer Wallet
In case with Transfer Wallet, the account is created for a player in our system; the money should be transferred to this account in advance in order to use them for the game. During the game, the money is withdrawn from this internal account without any request to the customer's system.
In case the account balance has not enough money for the game, the player will have to make a deposit using his personal account in our system.
To use Transfer wallet, you need to do the following setup on your side:
- User balance must be displayed in personal account in your system. For this, you may use the API method to get the balance value (user/balance).
- The possibility to transfer money to the account in our system and back. For this, use the API methods user/credit and user/debit.
📄️ Setting up the API
Transfer wallet integration does not require any additional setup.
📄️ Interaction protocol
Transfer wallet integration uses the same protocol as Integration API.
📄️ Security
To provide security, we use the same request signature scheme, as described in the Integration API.
📄️ Balance request
Request URL ####
📄️ Money deposit request
Request URL ####
📄️ Money withdrawal request
Request URL ####