#####SpecialCase | # 1 | Special case 1 occurred, unexpected in this game (caseNumber=1) |
Ante | AN 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted ante with amount $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
Bet | BT 4 250 | Player at seat 4 made a bet with amount (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
BetDealJackpotFeeTaken | BDF 1 55 | Player at seat 4 paid $0.55 commission to jackpot prize pool |
BetToRake | BR 0 50 | Player at seat 0 paid rake of $0.5 (seatIndex=0, rake=$0.50), used in Chinese poker |
BetToWinner | BW 0 1 450 | Player at seat 0 sent money to player at seat 1, the amount is $4.50 (srcSeatIdx=0, dstSeatIdx=1, funds=$4.50), used in Chinese poker |
BetsToPot | B 100 1862 | All players made aa bet with overall amount of $1, the final pot at the table is $18.62 (bets=$1, pot=$18.62) |
Big2Play | B2P 2 6d;7d;8d | Player at seat 2 player with cards 6d;7d;8d |
Big2SeatResult | B2R 2 10 | Player at seat 2 completed the game with 10 points |
Big2BatchStarted | B2BS 2 | A batch of two games started (roundsCount=2) |
Big2BatchFinished | B2BF 2 | A batch of two games is completed (roundsCount=2) |
BigBlind | BB 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted a big blind of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
BringIn | BI 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted bring-in of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
BombPotChanged | BPC 3 123 | The state of Bomb pot was changed (state=3, ante=123). Possible states: Off = 0 WaitGame = 1 WaitPlayers = 2 Active = 3 Canceled = 4 |
Call | CL 4 250 | Player at seat 4 made a call of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
CallBreakBid | CBD 1 3 | Player at seat 1 selected a bid of 3 hands (he predicted to take 3 hands) (seatIdx=1, numBids=3) |
CallBreakCardsRedeal | CCR | Repeated cards dealing happened |
CallBreakPlay | CBP 2 33 10d | Player at seat 2 used the card 10d with the code 33 in his turn (seatIdx=2, card=33) |
CallBreakRoundResult | CRR 0 -40 4 3 | This is the round outcome, player at seat 0 lost 4.0 points, he predicted to take 4 bids but only won 3 (seatIdx=0, pointsX10=-40, numDeclaredTricks=4, numTakenTricks=3) |
CallBreakSeatResult | CSR 3 74 | Game outcome, player at seat 3 completed the game with 7.4 points (seatIdx=3, wonPointsX10=74) |
CallBreakTrickWinner | CTW 0 | The hand was won by the user at seat 0 (seatIdx=0) |
CardToPlayer | C 2 44 Kc | Player at seat 2 received the card (seatIndex=2, cardDBCode=44, cardTextCode=Kc - The King of clubs) |
CardToTable | D 17 6d | The card was dealt to the table (cardDBCode=17, cardTextCode=6d - The 6 of diamonds) |
CardToTableLowerRow | L 17 6d | Card was dealt to the lower row (cardDBCode=17, cardTextCode=6d - The 6 of diamonds) |
CardsForSeatDiscarded | CSD 3 | Player at seat 3 discarded all of his cards |
CashDrawn | CD 3 15850 | Cash $158.5 was added to seat 3, it usually happens after SitDown (seatIndex=3, cash=$158.50) |
ChHandRes | CHH 6121 6 | The final result of Chinese poker game for a player (playerId=6121, points=6) |
ChP2PRes | CHR 6121 6158 6 | Game result for specified players in Chinese poker (playerId=6121, opponentId=6158, points=6) |
ChPlrHandRes | CHQ 6121 2 1 4 6 | Game result in Chinese poker for a specified player (playerId=6121, сhineseHandType=2, points=1, bonusPoints=4, extraPoints=6, where ChineseHandType { chtNone = -1, chtFront = 0, chtMiddle = 1, chtBack = 2 }) |
Check | CH 3 | Player at seat 3 checked (seatIndex=3) |
ChineseBatch | CHB 1 2 | he number of the current batch in Chinese games |
ChineseBatchFinished | CHBF 2 846, 847 | A batch of two Chinese games with numbers 846 and 847 is completed ((roundsCount=2, gameIds=[846, 847]) |
ChineseBatchStarted | CHBS 2 | A batch of 2 Chinese games is started (roundsCount=2) |
ChineseFantasyLand | CHF 3 1 | Player at seat 3 gathered the first fantasyland (seatIndex=3, chineseFantasyLandNumber=1) |
ChineseNatural | CHN 3 | Player at seat 3 in Chinese poker made a natural aiming to get additional bonuses (seatIndex=3) |
ChinesePlay | CHP 1 Qc;5s;5d 10h;6h # | Player at seat 1 completed his turn and now has Qc;5s;5d in the upper row, 10h;6h in the middle row and no cards in the lower row (seatIndex=1, frontCards=Qc;5s;5d, middleCards=10h;6h, backCards=#) |
ChineseSurrender | CHS 3 | Player at seat 3 chose to surrender (seatIndex=3) |
ChineseTableLimitApplied | CHTA 2, 3 | Chinese poker limits were applied to players at seats 2 and 3 (seatIndexes=[2, 3]) |
Closed | CZ | Table was closed on the game server |
DealerChange | DL 1 4 5 | Now the dealer is player at seat 1, small blind will be posted by the player at seat 4, big blind will be posted by the player at seat 5 (dealerIndex=1, SBIndex=4, BBIndex=5), there can be additional parameter SelectDealer - it shows that dealer was sleected in this hand |
DeckTypeSelected | DTS 28 | This event shows that the deck was selected and the lower card is 28. 0 means full deck starting with 2 Clubs, 4 means that the deck starts with 3 Clubs, etc. 28 means that the deck starts with 9 Clubs. |
DeclineStraddle | DSR 3 0 | Player at seat 3 declined straddle (seatIndex=3, funds=$0) |
Disconnected | DI 3 486 john | Player john at seat 3 disconnected from the server (seatIndex=3, playerId=486, nick=john) |
DisconnectionAdditionalTimeApplied | DAT 2 6121 30 john | Disconnected player john at seat 2 received 30 additioonal seconds to act (seatIdx=2, playerId=6121, seconds=30, nick=john) |
DisconnectionNoAdditionalTime | DNA 2 6121 john | Disconnected player john at seat 2 was refused in providing additional seconds to act (seatIdx=2, playerId=6121, nick=john) |
DrawCards | DC 2 15;14;26;25;8 {5s 5h 8h 8d 4c} | Player at seat 2 exchanged several cards and now has specified cards (seatIndex=2, cardDBCodes=[15;14;26;25;8], cardTextCodes={5s 5h 8h 8d 4c}) |
ExtraBlind | EB 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted extra-blind of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
ExtraTimeBankApplied | ET 2 6121 30 john | Player john at seat 2 used additonal time to act (30 seconds) (seatIdx=2, playerId=6121, seconds=30, nick=john) |
Fold | F 3 | Player at seat 3 folded (seatIndex=3) |
FoldShow | FS 3 | Player at seat 3 folded and showed his cards (seatIndex=3) |
GAMEEND | GE 22019085 | The game 22019085 is completed (gameId=22019085) |
GAMESTART | GS 22019085 wsi | Game 22019085 started (gameId=22019085), wsi parameter is mandatory, it shows that game events will be saved with mnemonic codes |
GameType | GT 72 F | Game type and pot type, it is always specified in Mixed games right after the GAMESTART (gameType=72 - holdem, potType=F - fixed) |
HideWin | HW 3 | Player at seat 3 won the hand and decided to hide his cards (seatIndex=3) |
InsuranceCommission | IC 3 0 200 | When pot 0 was sent to the player at seat 3, $2.00 was taken from the pot as insurance commission (seatIdx=3, potNumber=0, amount=$2.00) |
InsuranceDecision | ID 3 0 120 4s;7d | Player at seat 3 insured the pot with index 0 for $1.20 from the outs 4s and 7d (seatIdx=3, potNumber=0, amount=$1.20, outs=[4s,7d], mandatory=false); if the insurance was mandatory, "mandatory" is added at the end |
InsurancePayment | IP 3 1 1000 | Player at seat 3 received insurance payment for the insurance to the pot 1. The amount of payment is $10.00 (seatIdx=3, potNumber=1, amount=$10.00) |
JackpotFeeFromWinningTaken | JFW 1 55 | The winner at seat 1 paid jackpot commission of $0.55 |
JoinWait | JW 486 john | Player john joined the waiting list to table (playerId=486, nick=john) |
LeaveWait | LW 486 john | Player john left the waiting list to table (playerId=486, nick=john) |
LevelInfo | LI 1 100 200 45 | This is the data about the current blind level at a tournament table (level=1, smallBlind=100, bigBlind=200, ante=45) |
More time | MT 1 | Player at seat 1 used additional time to act before the blinds (seatIdx=1) |
Muck | MU 3 | Player at seat 3 discarded his card without showing them (seatIndex=3) |
Paused | PS | The table is paused |
PlayerCommand | PC 1 14 | Player at seat 1 made a command with the code 14 (seatIndex=1, cmd=14) |
PlayerWon | PW 0 490 | Player at seat 0 won the hand and took the pot (seatIndex=0, cash=$4.90) |
PotToPlayer | PP 2 400 0 | Player at seat 2 received a part of pot with index 0, the won amount is $4 (seatIndex=2, funds=$4, potNumber=0), side pot will have another index |
PotToRake | PR 40 0 | Rake of $0.40 was taken from the pot with index 0 (rake=$0.40, potNumber=0) |
RabbitHunting | RH 2 120 5 7 29 | Player at seat 2 paid $1.20 for rabbit hunting, and the cards with the codes 5, 7, 29 were dealt to the table for him |
Raise | RS 4 550 | Player at seat 4 raised $5.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$5.50) |
Reserve | RES 3 486 john | Player john reserved seat 3 (seatIndex=3, playerId=486, nick=john) |
Resumed | RE | The table is resumed |
RummyBatch | RBT 1 2 | Game 1 of 2-game batch is started (batchHandsCount=2, batchHandNumber=1) |
RummyBatchFinished | RBF 2 | A batch of two games is completed (batchHandsCount=2) |
RummyBatchStarted | RBS 2 | A batch of two games started (batchHandsCount=2) |
RummyDeadGame | RDG | Shows that the game is 'dead' - all cards from the closed deck were taken twice and no one won |
RummyDeckUpsideDown | RDU | Shows that the cards from the open deck are put into the closed deck when no cards are left in the closed deck |
RummyDeclare | RDE 4 8c;9c 6d;7d;8d 10h;Kh 4s;6s;7s;8s Joker;2c | Player at seat 4 declared his 5 groups of cards (seatIdx=4, cards=["8c;9c", "6d;7d;8d", "10h;Kh", "4s;6s;7s;8s", "Joker;2c"]) |
RummyDiscard | RDI 1 5 3d | Player at seat 1 discarded 3d into the open deck (seatIdx=1, card=5); if seatIdx=255, the card is simply dealt into the open deck |
RummyDrawFromClose | RDC 1 5 3d | Player at seat 1 took a card 3d from the closed deck (seatIdx=1, card=5) |
RummyDrawFromOpen | RDO 1 5 3d | Player at seat 1 too ka card 3d from an open deck (seatIdx=1, card=5) |
RummyDrop | RDR 0 | Player at seat 0 discarded his hand and completed the game (seatIdx=0) |
RummyFinish | RFI 1 5 3d | Player at seat 1 put the card 3d into the finish slot (seatIdx=1, card=5) |
RummySeatResult | RSR 0 20 -20 60 | Player at seat 0 received 20 points for the deal, they were added as negative points -20, overall the player has 60 points (seatIdx=0, scorePoints=20, wonPoints=-20, totalPoints=60) |
RunItTwiceActive | RIT | Shows that Run It Twice mode was activated |
SeatInfo | S 5 5550 6158 john | Information about the seat at the start of the game (seatIndex=5, seatCash=$55.5, playerId=6158, nick=john) |
SeatPoints | SP 0 6 | The number of points before the start for the Chinese games batch (seatIndex=0, points=6) |
SharePrize | SZ 3 1 | Player at seat 3 decided to share the prize (1 - agreed, 0 - refused) (seatIdx=3, share=1) |
ShowCards | SC 3 3d;## | Player at seat 3 showed his cards. Some of the cards may be hidden, i.e. he might only show a part of his cards (seatIndex=3, cards=3d;##) |
SitDown | SD 3 486 john | Player john took seat 3 at the table (seatIndex=3, playerId=486, nick=john) |
SitIn | SI 5 | Player at seat 5 returned to the game (seatIndex=5) |
SitOut | SO 5 | Player at seat 5 entered Sitout mode (seatIndex=5) |
SmallBlind | SB 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted a small blind of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
StandPat | SPT 3 | Player at seat 3 did not draw his cards (seatIndex=3) |
StandUp | SU 0 | Player at seat 0 stood up from the table (seatIndex=0) |
Started | ST | Table is started at the game server |
Straddle | SR 4 250 | Player at seat 4 posted a straddle of $2.50 (seatIndex=4, funds=$2.50) |
Subscribe | SS 486 john | Player john joined the table without seating (playerId=486, nick=john) |
AnteToPot | AP 100 100 | The sum of players' ante ($1) was moved to the pot, and the pot became equal to $1 |
TeenPattiSeeCards | TSC 3 | Player at seat 3 saw his cards |
TeenPattiAcceptShow | TAS 1 | Player at seat 1 accepted the cards show (seatIndex=1) |
TeenPattiBlind | TBD 1 200 | Player at seat 1 made a Teen Patti blind bet $2.00 (seatIndex=1, funds=$2.0) |
TeenPattiChaal | TCA 1 200 | Player at seat 1 made a Teen Patti chaal bet $2.00 (seatIndex=1, funds=$2.0) |
TeenPattiDeclineShow | TDS 1 | Player at seat 1 declined the cards show (seatIndex=1) |
TeenPattiPack | TPP 1 | Player at seat 1 packed (discarded his cards) |
TeenPattiSeeCards | TSH 1 | Player at seat 1 saw his cards |
TeenPattiSideShow | TSS 1 300 | Player at seat 1 requested a side show and made a bet of $3.0 |
UncalledBet | UB 2 400 0 | Player at seat 2 received a part of his bet ($4) from the pot 0 that was not called (seatIndex=2, funds=$4, potNumber=0) |
Unclaimed | UC 400 0 | The amount $4 remained unclaimed in the pot number 0 (funds=$4, potNumber=0) |
Unsubscribe | US 486 john | Player john closed the table in client (playerId=486, nick=john) |
Wait | WA 3 | Player at seat 3 refused to participate in the current hand to wait for the next hand (seatIndex=3) |
WaitBB | WB 3 | Player at seat 3 refused to participate in the current hand to wait for his turn to post the BB (seatIndex=3) |
WasAutoAction | W | Auto-action took place |
WasTimeoutAction | WT | Auto-action took place because of timeout |
WildJoker | WJ 44 Kc | Wild joker Kc is dealt to the table (card=44) |